Elemental Destruction Part 2: Fire

Destruction contained within a seal

To burst abruptly is very ideal

Burning passion simple at first

We can't escape; have we been cursed

Times running out, what can we do

Fire is wild, loose and taboo

A savior from the increasing cold

Would going near be so bold

Scorching hot burning to see

The pain of you and the pain of me

It won't take long for this fire to spread

Until the hope of mankind is dead

Fire will soon bring us to our knees

No sobbing, begging, or asking please

Accept the ends and learn to cope

With lose of reality; your on the ropes

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1784 times
Written on 2006-12-02 at 01:43

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I love this creative spirirt of yours, it is beautiful, amazing, and emotional. I love this seris, they all connect, i could never do that. Do you actually try when your writing? how do you do that, i just let things flow. Well i love this poem. Congratulations


The Power of Nature
by Coolaaron88