Elemental Destruction Part 3: Earth

The ground beneath is one silent lie

Seems solid at first, still you ask why

One single snap and eruption begins

Didn't expect these violent ends

Rocks and trees; simple weapons you see

Is mother nature scorn; angry with me

No savior from grace; no means of escape

Brace yourself because here comes the rape

Stripping you of all hope and grace

Left to suffer in the death of this place

Mountains fall and oceans bubble

Looks like no dice; you are in trouble

Prepare for the fall of the ground beneath

No drawing your sword out of its sheath

No escape, haven, or standing grace

To save you from earth's solemn face


Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1842 times
Written on 2006-12-02 at 01:56

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In Deep Thought
by Coolaaron88