Elemental Destruction Part 4: Air

Around you lies a mystic force

Invisible to you, your life source

Like poison its here and everywhere

When its tampered with it causes a scare

No escaping this spell; lofty theft

Without this gas, theres nothing left

Tornadoes touch down on solid ground

Throwing life, liberty, and hope around

The air you breath, your savior at first

'Til fate and pain took a turn for the worst

Hot and cold; its does more than you think

Makes airplanes fly or a simple ship sink

The weather plays into its simple plan

To deceive, destroy this faithful land

Don't deny this matter; just succumb

The end of you will be quick and numb


Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1749 times
Written on 2006-12-02 at 02:15

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In Deep Thought
by Coolaaron88