I must pay for my corruption some how.
There is No Excuse....But Sorry
There are no boundaries for discomfort
I must pay for my transgressions
No reversing past hurt or sadness
I'm no different than the man that has free will
Able to decide when to act out in kindness or rage
A decision that will always remain forever
My corruption will always remain
I can picture the look on parents faces
Their kids to forever be changed
One action affects the whole future
I can't redo what has already passed
But forever remember the tradgedy
I don't ask for forgiveness or sorrow
For all the people I indirectly affected
Will never know of what that contains
Apologies themselves hold no moral value
Words mean as much as you want them to
Words don't change the tide of regret
No word can express how I suffer
No action can express how I grieve
No one can rectify my endless pain
There is no law to condone hatred
There is no rule to allow animosity
There is no excuse...but sorry
Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 2096 times
Written on 2006-12-09 at 05:01
Tags Forgiveness 
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