PB Shelley interprets Prometheus, who was bound by Zeus to the rock atop a cliff for stealing fire from Olympus to bring it to humanity, as a hero in his famous poem Prometheus Unbound. Shelley inspires this poem, with due apologies to him and the Titan
I, Like Prometheus Bound
I, like Prometheus, boundTo the cold and craggy rock
Of the miseries of life,
Have risen above the pain,
Which like all chronic ailments,
Has lost all its edges,
Sharp and frayed,
And has become
Blunt and staid
With the passage of
Ever healing time...
I face life with love,
Compassion and passion,
And no longer try
To alleviate and fight
The pain that has become
My destiny, my plight;
I absorb it within me
And let it circulate
With blood through my bones
To sublimate and enrich
My heart and my soul,
So that I become
More attuned, more responsive,
To the misery of others
Less fortunate, less lucky,
With a pain more potent,
More poignant
Than my agony...
I don't know
What my Zeus
Has in store for me?
While I carry on
Come pain or agony,
And make the most of
My destiny...
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 2624 times
Written on 2005-10-19 at 02:18
Tags Agony 
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