Reflections in the New Year

If I had the time

To truly reflect-

think about my goals

I can truly say

That I am still aspiring

To that which is my thoughts.

Dreams and life lessons

As long as I have you

My dreams are infinite

Poetry by Coolaaron88
Read 1300 times
Written on 2006-12-28 at 19:32

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betsy Firefly
The two last lines could actually stand on their own, for they say what you are thinking throughout.

It is always good to stand still and reflect. We will see how far we've progressed (or the opposite) the past while.

Have we made progress this past year? These were the thoughts your poemgave me.

tony legba
Not sure that the expression makes sense.
"If" suggests "might", so it does not really go with the "certainty" of "can", which suggests an ability to do something. To "reflect", from the Latin, means to "bend backwards" in time, and as a mental process it is more gentle than thinking about "goals", aims and intentions. "To that" points towards one certainty, yet it is fitted to a plural verb "are". Are dreams "infinite"? That suggests without de-finit-ion. Surely, an aspiration, some thing towards which the poet breathes, needs to be realisable--otherwise, it is empty air?

You know that! well written powerful text. Thanks for the sharing, Regards Steve

beautyful love expressed in the same manner ... love is a true aspiration and the way to happiness ..soft and sweet is the melody of your words a song


In Deep Thought
by Coolaaron88