True Love
Oh those dreams are so soft and so appealingyet so cruel
No one ever tells you about all the work that goes into those beautiful moments with a lover
They never tell you
that you need to be strong, know yourself and not succumb to your weaker, darker sides
that you need to stay adamant and believe in your principles and know what you are looking for - never compromising and settling for something less than what you know you need
that you can't even settle for your best-friend, because good friendship, deep and unconditional love is not everything you need for a marriage - something is still missing
Yes, those dreams are beautiful, and if one day I could have them
it would satisfy my longing heart - my mind that wants to be spoken with - my soul that yearns for a partner - my body that loves to give love
But until then I won't continue searching
I wont settle for less
Until then
happiness lies in a cup of hot chocolate
in the peace from the soulful Words in those beautiful Books
in the great conversations with a close friend
in the breath and visual impressions while out on a jog in nature
and when I am ready and wiser
hopefully I will be prepared enough to be able to give
and ask for
True Love
Poetry by SecretWords
Read 1017 times
Written on 2011-05-13 at 18:14
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