
Years passed by as I desperately tried to fix this
giving up and falling away from my mind
numbing my heart
trying to tell me something was up

you kneeled before me, asking for my hand, but refused to pull me down and claim me as yours

Promise after promise, a belief in a future and an ideal
that we were perfect and no one else understood
as they tried to tell me they saw something wrong
I argued brilliantly against their concerns
believing I was right

your eyes shining brightly with belief in us and in me, how could I ever let myself let your hopes down?

Slowly you watched me fade into myself, away from myself. And as my personality became a ghost, it became clearer to you that my mind and heart you had never understood, an enigma to you. A harsh line you drew, harsh words poisoning my heart. Me as cold. How could you believe I would not hurt from you leaving my presence?

I watched you fall for her, hated you, loved you, she was all you had ever missed in me

You came back to me, shivering and broken. The fallen angel I had once seen fly. I tucked you in my arms, let you back into my heart, with the anger and all. You finally saw me cry, whiten and shiver at your betrayal, saw my heart in all its fury
In my pain I let you be the only way out

Violins sang in my mind as I felt I saw things clearly for the first time in a long time, step by step, I let myself love you again..

then I looked upon your face anew one day.. and had no recognition
your warm heart had grown cold with me, and I
tortured you for your past betrayal

if you had put a ring on my finger, they would've called this a divorce

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 728 times
Written on 2011-06-15 at 22:56

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by SecretWords