Written 24.08.2011


You looked like him
grabbed my hands and pulled me closer, making me alive in your hands, your kisses
your breath haunting my dreams, your words my days
awakening me from a deep sorrow

You looked like him
demanding respect, giving a gentle and honest friendship
inspiring my mind and twisting me into a feverish desire
for you and only you

You looked like him
pushing me far away with your harsh words, that I already knew you'd say
confusing me with kindness and pursuing my companionship
I disarm myself and leave myself open to your domination

You looked like him
but he would've taken me in his arms by now
assuring me that he was always mine
and I would push him far away
cut him to pieces like I could never cut you

You look like him

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1314 times
Written on 2011-09-05 at 22:07

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An air of quiet passion suffuses your poetry. Each poem is unique, but after reading many of your poems there comes a tone which ties them together, makes them that much stronger for the unity. Excellent writing—compelling, touching, passionate, controlled.


by SecretWords