Written 15.09.2011. An attempt to explore a subject that seems to have come up a lot lately around me; how some gentle women become cold and harmful to their lovers. I've hesitated to publish it as I am not sure how appropriate it is.


Music: Kings of Leon - Closer

Her soft supple sighs escape her lips
he so wanting so needing of her body, her moans
a close friendship burst into pieces by the screams of her pleasure

an undertone of pain and sorrow escapes her lips
he pulls her nearer as she through her pleasure enters her great sorrow

Yesterday she would've fallen to pieces before him
and let him pick her up
gently kiss her and find herself again

Today she dives into the pain
wraps her pleasure as an armour around her
He watches as she rises and arches in cold strength
cold pleasure
And from her lips escape not one sigh of his name

Every man that ever denied her love
Every man that ever refused to give everything

Her head falls back
her eyes closed
a quiet, violent shiver spreads through her body
quaking around him
he loses himself in her

but this time she does not catch him
he searches for the warmth of her eyes, her soft kiss

her stone cold eyes meet him
her skin colder than he thought
no longer flushed

Gone is the gentle woman he denied he loved

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1317 times
Written on 2011-09-30 at 22:38

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by SecretWords