I guess I'm still not done with this topic

Before you

I tell myself that before you I was already damaged
that that led me to you
to all the twisted and wrong ways we clung to each other

But I can still barely remember
how deeply I trusted you
how well I functioned when I rose from your bed
how big a part of me I let you be

I tell myself I was as closed off
cold and unsure before you
as I am now

But before you
took back your promises
and left me angry upon the bed that was to be ours

I would not throw myself into a man that I knew would
want, but never love me

I would lay mornings, half-alive in bed
waiting for the world to force me to be awake

But with you
even if it was only the first summer
of our many

I was alive

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 779 times
Written on 2012-05-18 at 21:34

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by SecretWords