Inspired by real life events, an exploration of my reaction to attraction, affection and the definition of such things


Your eyes are beautiful
your heart gentle

but it is your warm hands
that I dream of

Your smile is sweet and disarming
your jokes and prods into my mind compassionate

but it is how you stay way too close to me
that makes me long

Your intellectual explanations of theories
and abstract things I never even knew existed
are inspiring
your logical prods into my own theories of existence
and practice of morality

but really these might just be excuses

as the traces of you left in my world of existence
have me thinking just a little too much of you

Your face will fade
your jokes will loose their hold on me
your hands hopefully forgotten

and this beautiful experience defined as
an example of attraction..

rare as it might be, is not rare enough to warrant full blown obsession

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1579 times
Written on 2012-06-23 at 01:14

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Beautifully written. And kinda sad.


by SecretWords