Written 27.07.2012


Life beats at me like the humming of a heartbeat
like the flow of blood through my veins

I cling to the part of me that sings along to it
as i watch life flowing into more complex patterns and hues

how i ever thought i could capture it all in words,
words can never justify
the beauty and wondrousness of life

How everything makes sense
if i just let it flow over me

I drink it up
All the pain, mistakes, laughs and love
All those Words leading me to the more complex patterns
to the gentle hearts and sparkling eyes of new and old friends

I drink it up because there is nothing that tastes better
than being soberly drunk on
real life

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 911 times
Written on 2012-07-30 at 22:18

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by SecretWords