Version 2 (V1 unpublished) of a poem attempting to capture a situation a lot of girls seem to slip into. Comments for improvement are welcome.
Music: Florence + the Machine - Howl

The Beast

Our bodies tied to his words
as his honesty and implicit love wins over our affection
our attraction
despite the harsh, explicit warnings of his words
not to trust him

Girls that never thought they were able to slip into such situations
always having managed to avoid those boys

Girls that sit around waiting for the perfect one
never giving up anything for someone less

thinking he is the best
only a little scarred
convinced we are the exception (that will win his fidelity)
drowning in his apparent love

They accept and hope and dream
where I condemn and judge

So he follows in my tracks
breathing down my neck
in case I slip up again

Insatiably falling upon the rest
their bones haunting me as they drop to the ground

He awaits my howl

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1153 times
Written on 2012-08-02 at 21:45

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by SecretWords