Harder Than

You are harder than any drug
That Nature or Human could ever create
A creature without common or kin
The way your river weeps, smiles deep within
Compared to the power you wield opium is a joke
Nothing that ever grew upon the earth could fix what you broke
With your ways, the Summer plays enchanting musicale
With the colorful softness, the perfumed gardens of your hair
How your eyes promise mornings of Hello while your heart contains good-byes
When a yes answers no to questions full of guesses for the Night
Shines like a Light too potent to drink in all the spin
Clear clouds of smoke, the signals cloak an addiction all too dear
When I hold you feeling like a shrug
You are harder than any drug

Poetry by Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1526 times
Written on 2016-02-07 at 18:05

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Woaaaa there. So, here it is, one of those delicious moments when the scroll, scroll, scroll hits a definate emergency brake and winds down the window to gulp down the fresh pizzazz of newness. In other less verbose terms...very tasty work.


by Chaucer Whethers