A poem of hope and belief. For my girl. - 17th June 2016.

When the time comes.

You are all that I know to be true
and no matter the time I shall stand by you;
Look at me in that comforting way
and say the things I have always tried to say;
For when twilight will come to show its face
I'll say goodbye to my dying day.

Poetry by John Ashleigh The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1376 times
Written on 2016-06-17 at 20:50

Tags Life  Love  Hope 

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
I would have liked it to be longer. Perhaps it is the subject matter that demands more information. Good though.

Lacking something. Wish there was more said in the pome. Like a car without tires