smoke and ash


here is what is   here is what wasn't

what is left   is

what might have been


ahead   what might be   who knows

not me

the accoutrements are ready   on the shelf


the yellow and white striped beach towel

the guiless wish

even a little tote bag   packed and ready


with sunscreen   and a red-handled paring knife

should we want apples and cheese  

just in case things   well   you know   sort of work out


what was never was   what may be may be   maybe

for now there is illusion   and the charred remains of hope


Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 963 times
Written on 2016-07-28 at 16:22

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The words that hold us steady!Thank you words for coming and shaping the poem, which rises from the charred remains. A beautiful poem.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Nicely put.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
What is - will be as it is - always be so
unless we decide otherwise - then it
will be as it is - only diffarant - vever le difarantce
I dont do French lingo - some say I do English a diserverce
long as what I say in words unerstood
picle onions apple tomato along with cheese - worls fore me
hope like a spring eternal - even when winter frizzes - it solid - under the ice - it runs on ans on! Come te wiff of spring!

Kathy Lockhart
Reading this through 3x, I feel a pulling inside my heart while tears well up. Your ability to relay your emotions on a screen through a few words, arranged just so, is pure artful talent. However, I know not talent alone does this. It is the life lived which compels the talent to create. hugs kathy