The Fair Ness?

Naughty by nature?

they called him

"naughty by nature",

this deeply fragile boy

-maltreated for years

is that - fair?

is human nature

by itself naughty?

Words by KYREUS of Sweden The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 808 times
Written on 2016-08-12 at 16:01

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I suppose some people carry genes with tendencies toward certain naughty ways of behavior, but I believe that nurture plays the bigger part in a person;s behavior. Brought up with kindness and love can cure most behavior problems.*

Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
No, I don't think so.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
i don't know, but "human nature" may be a illogical construct in itself. ask about "natural (wo)man." we are a long way from nature in today's culture.