reverberating in the grey

reverberating in the grey
of a bleak winter's day
a bird looked at me
in the cold of a thin drizzle
from a roof tile shine

I need to stretch a different wire
to jump up and down while
listening to the radio
where all my friends are
in the warmth of a digital fire

wrought like a warm hand
stretched before the sketches
of bare trees against a sky
that will say no more
than it has to

in that way i will steeple my eyes
and worm my dreams into boots
that will not march
there is something about a dreariness
in a silence of a rain dying

Poetry by Bob
Read 830 times
Written on 2016-11-25 at 14:02

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
The opening stanza was kind of not in your style. The rest is the usual visionary language. As always you use word combinations that should not work but you make them fit like a puzzle. Nice.