Those betrayals....

I n f i d e l i t y ; ; ;

So, he jumped for joy

for this new Lolita,

girl at front desk,

upper floor.

hot nights

hot sex,

2 much champagne

- what the heck

his wife abroad.


best friend,

tried to stop him

- dont do that

to your beautiful wife,

dont do that to yourself.


just laughed:

- No one will ever know.

John got angry:

-dont you realize

your are destroying

that young girl,

you are killing yourself softly

- no hardly, without a gun.

- your are burning down

your inner persona,

your are drowning

your conscience.

/this was 5 years ago,

Peter no longer jumping for joy,

cell-mate Hendrick

does NOT at all

like - dancing.

Short story by KYREUS of Sweden The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 852 times
Written on 2017-02-13 at 19:35

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Maybe if he let Hendrick lead.