- No, no!

F R A U D ..?

your memory

does not at all

betray you.

it has got

its reasons

Words by KYREUS of Sweden The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 896 times
Written on 2017-02-28 at 21:27

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I'm trying to


the reasons


I'm feeling betrayed

because memory

is genius

a timeless witness

that collapses the facts

Kathy Lockhart
These are really great. Repressed memories? That's a subject I could talk about.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Due to me being a dyslexic, my short term memory, is er some what unreliable! Yet, in turn, my long turm, mmory, '' stuff'', of ong ago, tends to, come buberling back! and that can be embariseing!
When i talk f some memorys of long long ago, I find my talking about! Most embariseing!
Ken ;) :)

I've heard it say that in time we tend to remember the good and forget the bad, but without remembering we are likely to repeat those bad choices.