love and love
i don't think of what might have been not much
of the whys and wherefores
i am content with where i find myself and with whom
when i do look back i can smile at what was feel lucky
to have been a part of others' lives
an intimate part to have had them be a part of mine
even when it hurt i can look past that
we talked about it today
i was surprised how readily the words came
how quick i was to remember how vividly images appeared
and the rest the longing the ache
the sigh that followed then your words in response
which put me over the top i am drained spent but happy
ready for the here and now but the ache it stays
marketa knows you as well as she can
as well as i can
knows that you listen that we share truth and fantasy
no she doesn't know you she knows
a little of you
where you live what you do the rest that is between us
it isn't because of jealousy that i don't tell her more
it is that your life is yours
and what you've shared with me is meant for me
those shared words are gifts i keep them
in a safe place marketa understands she had a life of her own
before me she has a life of her own now
she asks about my sighs traces of tears i told her we had talked
that i was lost in the past she understands that too
but it won't do i shake it off
is not only unattractive it's tiresome
it's useless i cannot be sad when marketa is here
and i don't want to be
i want cook dinner and do the things we do so well
i do tell her about julie the cause of my relapse
i find some photos
she is so young so happy we were happy
which explains a lot but that was then
and it ended for a reason
leaving us distant friends sending a birthday greeting
or the occasional email out of the blue
when days like this come along
marketa asks what i loved about julie i talk about
her innocence
that we grew up together
took refuge from difficult home lives in romance
how that changed as we grew up
each of us finding our own way our own wants
how one kind of love became another
that wistfulness is for what was
not a longing to have it back and the ache i can't help it
it's real it's what's left a remnant of young love
i wouldn't give it up if i could marketa wouldn't ask it of me
then it's done i put away the photos
turn to marketa i know i'm twice lucky
lucky to have known love lucky to have it again
Poetry by one trick pony

Read 515 times
Written on 2017-03-17 at 18:01

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