My vision about life

Life By Ann Wood.

We are born, For a reason.
In this world. We start school, We grow up.
We work, Get married. And have children.
Then we change, Get older.
We retier. And our children, Grow up.
They get married, Give us grandkids.
And whilst we get ill. And our lives,
Move to the end. We spend our days,
In a nursing home. Were one day,
They will find us, Death in our bed.

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1141 times
Written on 2017-03-28 at 03:12

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Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
This poem I wrote in memory of one old lady who died few years ago. I was one of her support workers. She also were a poet. Rest in peace my beautiful lady.