Unearthing a few oldies

I didn't go for the Coldplay concert FYI

Stuck in Traffic

Stuck in traffic on the way to work is a great time to write. This is one of the reasons I won't get a bike.

Went for a wedding reception and caught myself grinning all the way home. Everyone's getting married or asking when you are. I'm not. How about that?

Hounddog. I like the way this comes up in the hound of Baskerville. I should watch the last episode of that.

Coldplay's new song is in the Life of Pi. I'm not surprised. Just sad. I don't know what draws the line between underground and sell out but it's definitely not them! I'll go for the concert if they do come to India. For old times sake, I have to!

Diary by Purple Puddles
Read 910 times
Written on 2017-11-06 at 08:31

Tags Musings  Music  Marriage 

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