Summer song

It's Sunshine Outside

It's sunshine outside
the flowers are growing,
now my heart will abide
in spring fresh glowing.
For summer is coming
around to my town,
full of fresh blooming
in its new tint gown.

It's springtime outside
in colors shine spark,
so beautiful their ride
in summer fresh embark.
And everything is turning
to singing and living,
days of gone yearning
again are colors giving.

It's sunshine days anew
for all the love that's gone,
and likewise some for you
to give you moment's on.
For life is ever learning
that beauty is in spring,
and it is always returning
inside your heart to sing.

Poetry by Peter S. Quinn
Read 943 times
Written on 2018-04-08 at 15:41

Tags Spring  Summer  Sunshine 

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Kathy Lockhart
Very light and lovely. Nice imagery.

You make me happy just thinking of Spring when winter is still blasting away. Uplifting poem.