this is just trying to explain where i have been ,but i am still writeing ,hope it helps

where i am

iv been here writing my poems away ,but dident know how to share., watching my mother disapearing ,not fighting for what life she has got ,she wants to walk away ,but she forgets we are here to help , im scared seeing her this way ,, im fighting the devils to keep away ,saying shes not ready on this day ,, so on this day i say mum fight a bit more each and everyday ,why we pray

Poetry by dee quirke
Read 617 times
Written on 2018-08-26 at 20:57

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dee quirke
thank you my good friend

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
SO, good to be reading a work of yours again, Dee, remember hear you a poet amonngst poets - therefore amonst the best of good friends well met.