where we live   between jackson square and

chinatown   san francisco



marketa says   and you have to imagine

her czech accent   what is

it   babygirl   i look at her   i know i


have a helpless look of loss on

my face   i don't know   i

say   she's on me like a cat   sweeping


books and papers from the couch   is

on me   tearing   growling   

purring   digging deep   is this it   she


says   are you missing this   her hands all

over me   her mouth over

mine   come on   babygirl   come


on    come   on   come   on   i crawl into

her   no more words 







Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 810 times
Written on 2018-10-31 at 00:39

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Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
Ha-ha. This is humorous yet honest. Like Ashe said, this poem complements your earlier poem.


I believe the contract has been renegotiated, babygirl. I think you live in a really great spot where there is lots of action near you.