The picture is perfect, the boy seamlessly blends with his surroundings; yet there is something disturbing about its beauty... so many questions arose in my mind...

The Boy by the Ganges

He sits alone on the banks of Ganges-
Overflowing by Natures bounty-
In lush green rainy-season,
In scanty vest and worn-torn panty,
With an umbrella in hand-
To protect what? -
The sky overcast above
The grass over-grown below,
His flock all gone astray;
Yellow green smoke rises
From the funeral –pyre,
Burning at the nearby Ghat...
He has that pensive, almost philosophic,
Look, in his deep-sunken eyes,
What is he thinking of?
This lone boy by the bay:
Is he thinking of the flock,
That has gone astray?
Is he thinking of the meal,
He never had today?
is he just day-dreaming,
In his innocent way?
I do not know...
And I dare not break,
His pensive reverie...
Or, this picture on the bay...
I capture it in my mind's eye,
And take the sadness away...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1582 times
Written on 2006-06-01 at 01:09

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Zoya Zaidi
Just for the record, here ar the stats, copied from my page:
Texts have been read 12187 times.
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HUGS for this my friend ... !! ..... Enjoyed reading this poem so much ... G !

Congratulations my dear friend:) I have known for a long time now. Since my early days. You were one of the first to really get to know me:) It is amazin to have you here on the bay:) Wonderful poem my friend:)

Love from Alex

I had not realised that if I read this already or not. But it has struck me anew with its gentle tones and wonderful visual that flowed in a lifting tone. Zoya, this is such good stuff!

Malin Johansson
A very beutiful poem....

I saw the images so clearly in this one...
And I hope deep down that he didnt thought about the meal he didn't eat, I hope that the boy did just daydream...

Hugs to you

Another deep striking write--bravo!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
this besautifully craftedpoem is a sure fire winner and congrats on your century posting a very nay excellent text that deserves the accolade it will surlly get rgds mike

Shas Ramlogan
This poem has such greatly expressed imagery. The environment was so beautifully described, and the thoughts of the protag flowed so effortlessly and beautifully. Great work from the very beginning Zoya! & Congrats on your 100th post!

Zoya Zaidi
Yeah, Dmon, this in fact is my second poem, I never changed a word of it.
Call it sentimental attachment or whatever. The picture wa taken near the funeral grounds; the ashes of the the dead are thrown in the Holy Ganges.

Zoya Zaidi
Hi, Dear Friends,
I just realized,
This is my hundredth posting here
on the bay!
And this is one of my very first poems...
I joined on the second of October 2005; and today is 1st June 2006...
It has been a long journey; I have come a long way...
And I must say I have thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I have made so many friends in this short period of eight months,
and enjoyed your love and understanding so much...
It's been a very humbling experience...
Thanks every one I love you all!
Love, xxx, Zoya