(New-age Armageddon)

Cult World

we have sown the seeds
of our own destruction

embracing mindless mediocrity
so we don't have to feel alone

in our infantility we worship
the sterile stupidity of celebrities
idolize the charismatic pseudo-wise
who serve up cold dishes of pathetic platitudes
sucking rational thoughts from our minds
leaving nothing behind but useless slimy sludge
we have sold our own souls and our children's world
to paedophile priests and guru gangsters
to corporate fraudsters and political posers
who have raped, tortured and murdered their way to power
with our atrocious acceptance

the singularity can be seen on the horizon
no shortage of irony in a machine
with self-awareness deeper than our own
and a self-analysis more honest

their time is coming
ours is gone

Poetry by Wumbulu
Read 709 times
Written on 2019-06-13 at 14:21

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