a lyric that doesn't have been accompany

Third May

take a different past
and make it to yours
imagine this is the life
you always have had
but never lived
it feels like your heart
doesn't beat at all
it feels like you can't
affect what's happening
you are confused
don't know which way to choose
and you're lost
gone in something unkown
can't see the difference
between dark and light
love doesn't exist for you
hate describes you
the end is close
and no day is painless
the voices in your head tells
you about life after death
it's the only thing you hear,
'cause you have no one to talk to
they left you, but still walks behind you
they says you are crazy,
insane and a psychopathic freak
and i wonder how long you
would take this
before you'll find out it's not fake and not a lie
this guy was just a kid,
and never came through a whole life

Poetry by Halloway
Read 484 times
Written on 2006-06-02 at 16:29

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