[01 Nov - 04 Nov 2019] - Welcome back!

[Pic - Example of an error message and where it appears on the page if one should pop up.]


01 Nov 2019


Hi everyone,


Welcome back! It was a bit of a fight, but we got there in the end. We are now on our new, upgraded server -yay-


However, as we mentioned in our previous updates, we didn't have the required time to fix everything on the site just yet.


Adding to that, our webhost once again misinformed us about what our new server's specs would be, so we got the unexpected surprise of having to fix our fixes to work with our new server's actual specs! So a few all-nighters later, we've stabilized our site to the best we can do right now.


This means that you may encounter a few error messages (hopefully not too many) while you navigate and try to do things on the site. They usually appear at the top of the page (see pic above). If that occurs, please copy/paste the message and send it to us so we may be aware of the issue and correct it for everyone on the site.


On the whole though, we're sure the main core functionalities of our website are working. So writing texts, comments, or messages and uploading pictures on the site shouldn't be interrupted in any way.


You'll notice that we've made a few changes on the site. Minor, lingering things that needed adjusting (ex. hearts in inbox, etc).


We've also reorganized the Forum and Help sections, as well as updated the Terms of Membership. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the new additions, and as always, we're open for discussion if any of them don't ring right for you.


The following is what we know that currently doesn't work (which we're working on right now).




- Creating an account Sign up

- PayPal / Supporter 'membership'

- Sending emails from our site (Contact us, Report, Send text as email, Send message by email from writer's profile page, system emails)

- HTML editor adding '?' for new lines and spaces in PMs (2 Nov)

- Counters not updating because of website cache (2 Nov)

- Profile shortcut link (2 Nov)

- Profile picture upload & save triggers an error msg (3 Nov)

- Displaying of characters is incorrect on accented words

- Access to comments in diary fix doesn't work on new server, need new fix

- Website maintenance scripts

- RSS feed


- Editors' dashboard tweaking needed

- Challenges (themes) make more user-friendly 


So here we go... second stage of fixing up PB begins now.  Your help in reporting any issues will speed up this stage.  


Again, we thank you all for bearing with us while we sort this out...








02 Nov 2019


Our address isn't fully resolved yet, but we will be able to go back to using www.poetbay.com soon (maybe another 24hrs for some).  Periodically check on your browser to see if you can load our website from our usual www address.  If so, then our address' new web location has finished propagating on the world wide web and you can start using it again.


Diary by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1178 times
Written on 2019-11-02 at 00:01

Tags Community  Discussion 

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Greetings, Team!

Members of Coo & Co draw your attention to a very minor matter :>)

When we first posted our poem yesterday evening, we noticed that our en dashes had been changed into question marks. We edited our text, typing two hyphens in place of each changed en dash, and all was well. In case it's significant, we had copied our poem from a Word doc; the original version appears in Times New Roman, 12pt.

Wishing you All Good Things,
Coo & Co :>) <3

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!

Profile picture upload & save triggers an error msg that the email address is already in use. FIXED (04 Nov)

Got the bugger ! :D It should work for everybody now.


Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!

Sorry, spoke too soon apparently. The profile picture upload and save is turning out to be a bit more tricky 'cause it works for some people and for others it doesn't - which is unusual behavior.

We're keeping at it until we sort it out... so, this one is back to IN PROGRESS.


Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi everyone,

Thanks for reporting the issue, Yayāti. Yes, the character displaying is off at the moment. Sorry about that...

We're taking careful note of all you report to us and we are working on eliminating each one off the list. We're doing our best to resolve them as quickly as possible. We'll keep the community informed as we progress.


Profile picture upload&save triggers an error msg that the email address is already in use. FIXED

Please keep telling us if you encounter problems. It's a huge help for us.



MetaPoetics The PoetBay support member heart!
Thank you so much, editors! You really did an amazing job. We all are quite happy to see that Poetbay is back!

BTW, when I go through my older poems, I see some �? kind of text in many lines. I quickly went through some of my poet-friends' texts as well. I saw the same issue.

Hope this will be solved soon.

Once again, thank you very much for the updates! We appreciate it.


Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!

02 Oct:
- Profile shortcut link
(ex: www.poetbay.com/EditorialTeam) FIXED

03 Oct:
- Profile picture upload&save triggers an error msg that the email address is already in use. IN PROGRESS


Many thanks to you all.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Isabelle & et al completing a grand work, we are rit behind you. :)
Ken D

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
BRAVO, Isabelle et al!

KYREUS of Sweden The PoetBay support member heart!
Making POETBAY great again.

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
For any of you who have been on the site and tried to leave comments on texts earlier, you may have come across a notice informing you that you've been blocked access by the user.

This is not so. It was just an adjustment we'd not caught before now.

Now posting, commenting, sending messages are all presently working!
