His name was Beau, a solid white Pekingese. I have not Let him go.

I Have Not Let Him Go

He died in my arms
I have not let him go

He is in my minds eye
running wild and free

Chasing a sable wild child
From fence to fence

White as snow, tail flattened
Smiling face as he lopes
With a thoroughbred’s stride

He lived to run
Even on three legs

He lived to run
damaged discs dragging legs behind

Fearless and proud
Empathetic intelligent

He was my wife’s protector
And life Saving companion

He was special and different
No one can explain why

I miss him every day
Running with joy
Black eyes wide

Poetry by Kee Zealy The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 541 times
Written on 2020-04-13 at 19:43

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Hans Bump
There's a certain majesty about this poem that breathes life into its story and emotional core.
Thank you for the read