My closest friend is of African ethnic origin. But then, aren't we all?
When our ancestors first decided to build a dwelling and put a fence around it, it created prejudices, hatred and racism. Sometimes it is easy to pigeon-hole the reality of

I was blind but now I see...

I suppose I noticed it the first time
kind of hard to ignore, I guess
We were so alike but of different colours
doing the same things in life, more or less

We never questioned how we each thought
Politics and such were taboo
We got along and are confirmed friends
I see so much of myself in you

Then the debate arose about Black lives
Of course they matter as much as mine
But racism is now a worldwide blight
Yet we continue to mis-read the sign

It's hard to admit that we got it so wrong
Because it's not about Black against White
It's about Racism versus us ALL
Time has come to make the wrongs all right

Poetry by Liam The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 218 times
Written on 2020-06-15 at 14:42

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