A poem by Rosalia de Castro






   I was born at the birth of blossoms

born when all the gardens grew,

on so very soft a morning, 

on a morning April-blue.

So I’m Rosa—that’s the reason—

of the lonely smile, it’s true.

I’m a thorny rose for others;

never had a thorn for you.

When I fell in love—and little

thanks I had of it—I threw

all my life away, believing

you my earth and heaven too.

Why then this complaining, Mauro?

Why are loving looks so few?

If my dying made you happy,

dying’s what I’d learn to do.

All these bitter words about me,

bitter, barbed! I never knew

what it was you really wanted.

Lunacies you’ve put me through!

All I had I gave you. Couldn’t

dull my hungering for you.


   Even now, my heart I’m sending,

with the one key fits it true.

Nothing left to give you, nothing;

nothing you could ask me to.










translated by John Fredrick Nims





Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 649 times
Written on 2020-09-10 at 03:33

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
I'm leery of translated poetry. Changing the language of a poem changes the medium in which it was created, causing it to cease to be what it was. Still, I did enjoy the English version of this poem.

Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
This is quite sad. So very reminiscent of Plath, yet Castro's sadness comes from a heartbreak -- the reason being external and real. I'm interested in reading more of her works; I'll surely search for more. Thanks for introducing a new poet (to me)!