Autumn leaves fascinate me...I love the Maples turning the whole world into a passionate red...

Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves,
Perched on their last journey,
Fascinate me...
Trying to clutch at the last lap of life,
Turning all splendour of their existence
Into a carnivalisque-delight.
Like a lamp that burns
extremely bright
for that one last time
before it goes out of sight.

I watch them flaunt their vestments,
Green, orange, red and yellow apparel
In the autumn of their lives
Show the world whatever they have
as a last attempt at life's jubilation
Before falling off and drifting
Into oblivion;

They grow
First pale in apprehension of
a life about to go-
turning yellow,
Then realizing slowly
that this is their last chance to live their lives,
They start giving vent to their feelings-
Doing what they should have been doing
all their lives,
They blush orange with realization.
Then slowly the passion rises
To a crimson red,
And they show the whole world
their colour of scarlet fervour.
Only to get detached
One by one...

One by one
They leave their branches
And float aimlessly about
Carried hither-and-thither,
by the wind.
Then falling to the ground,
They resign to the life of oblivion
And begin to fade to a brown-black...
Dry up, and lose their juices of life
Get trampled under the feet
and slowly and gradually,
Till they are no more...

But before they depart, they
Turn to a bright yellow, gold,
Orange red and crimson
Showing the world their last bit of passion
Before dying out...

Like dying at the peak of orgasm
Due to a heart attack...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©): Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1964 times
Written on 2006-06-11 at 10:43

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Valentin Gabriel Cristea
Very touching poem like a flake.I liked your poem.Shiver of dreams comes into your poem.Very deep poem.

wow,i love it.

i wish i could write poetry like you!
that was amazing!
loved it so very much, you have talent, girl!
such amazing imagery

I think you described so much here , in this seasonal Play. Actually, you described life on earth in its every form. This poem is very bookmarked. Excellent write !

This blew me away...i was so hung up in reading this, i didnt even hear my doorbell ring...autumn is something for itself, with all its colors showing us its glory...and when i came to the end of it, it changed a way i cant describe...but i like it very my top rating and a bookmark....

- BigHugz -

- mr.m

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
I love your poem! It somehow reminds me the tree of life, rebirth through death and the sacred orgasm :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us Zoya


Dearest Zoya--this is my favourite time of year!! ( I even have a poem about it!!) Such a wonderful poem full of crisp images!! Love it!

Victoria Pearson
that is a very beautiful piece of poetry....the word usage is excellent...form is good...I enjoyed the read...did you write that today?

wow, this is so amazing :D i love autumn it has to be the best season ever.

Shas Ramlogan
This is an absolute great piece of poetry, Zoya. The content in itself is beautiful but the imagery one is drawn to through the connection of the words and flow, is amazing.

"They blush orange with realization.
Then slowly the passion rises
To a crimson red,
And they show the whole world
their colour of scarlet fervor"

I love the start of autumn when the leaves begin to fall...And later the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet.
Only you could have brought me autumn in the middle of a hot summer!

This is just wonderful, you say that Autumn leavse fascinate you, well you fascinate me ^^ hehe, really liked this text so well described and vivid...


Kathy Lockhart
Zoya, i was thinking this is as good as I have ever read anywhere by anyone! bookmarked/fav :)))) kathy

Dan Cederholm

Hey Zoya...

This is one of the best poem...

I even had read... in English...

You are writing like the big ones,,,

and then I am talking but W H Auden...

and and Bob Marley...

I Know it sound simple...

when I take upp a rastafari.. Musician like

that... But the fact is He was a great


And this Poem is like music to me!!!

"And they show the whole world
their colour of scarlet fervor.
Only to get detached
One by one..."

All honour to you!!!

Sincerly Dan and a big hug...


lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there zoya a lovely poem from you and your normal exemplary word useage well done silkily smooth delivery rgds mike

I agree with you all the way! Autumn leaves are the most beatiful of things...

"Showing the world their last bit of passion
Before dying out..."
Shouldn't we humans do that too?!

Malin Johansson
I love this poem, I love how well you described the beauty of Autumn... Autumn is a true beauty just as your words in this poem... lovely to read!!
Sunny Regards