zoey's caravan


zoey sets her caravan, as is her wont,

so that the morning light
will come through her bedroom window,


though at this time of year she will be

long since out of that cozy bed come sunrise.

in time, with the thaw, which, in the scheme of things


isn't that far off, a matter of months,

the first light of day will wake her.

for now, the curtainless east-facing window


will reveal the passing moon

in all its glorious and noble phases; or,

as on a night like this, perhaps nothing will be revealed,


for the clouds are thick, the moon is coy, snow is falling,

and some things are best kept to oneself.  









Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 465 times
Written on 2021-01-03 at 04:26

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
I really enjoyed the subtle gracefulness of this poem.

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
I hope this is instalment two of a saga. This one and the previous are delightful reading.

I like especially "glorious and noble" for the lunar phases, and that aforesaid moon being coy. Bravo on an accomplished sonnet.