the 7-up cafe




i've written of this so many times

from so many angles


because it mattered so much to me, to us



it was the day after thanksgiving

our first date


we drove into the coastal range



found a quiet road to walk

came to a bouldered creek


a wooden bridge



it began to drizzle, we didn't know each other well

we began to talk


we talked and talked



until the rain forced us to move

we drove without direction amid the evergreens 


the deepest, dankest green



by chance finding a cafe where we had coffee by a fire

sensed something was happening


and it was not yet noon



we have not been apart since that day

it seems a miracle and random and lucky and unlikely


and tenuous, full of what ifs



the act of writing about it i liken to pinching myself

we went back, years later


couldn't find the bridge, couldn't find the cafe









Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 25 times
Written on 2025-03-16 at 01:03

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