It's the only way I can deal with my pain

I cut myself

I cut myself to show no pain.
I cut myself to hide my shame
The scars on me .remind me to be true .
Never let anyone hurt you .

The scars don't go away .so deep
I cut to feel more pain .
I cry as I go insane
No more pain for me .
I pray till the next day .
My shame is here to stay .

Poetry by dee quirke
Read 713 times
Written on 2021-02-21 at 16:26

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the pain made to yourself as a reminder
when one suffers with no reasons, you might
well question the suffering

A stark and compelling poem, of unswerving honesty and unflinching clarity.
2021-02-22 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
A misunderstood coping mechanism if there ever was one. You describe the turmoil that drives to it and the conflict about doing it in a way that gives a clear view. I'm saddened to read that you go through such intense moments, and I hope you're feeling better today. Thanks for sharing.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
To sit and type out
Knowing we of poetbay
You can trust with worrying what we will think
'Cos you know we will share your pain
Hold you in our collective arms
You recherche out knowing hands are to hold you
Ken D

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Intimately powerful language.