Lizzy gave long time back the first two lines. I don't know why I did not post this poem then? Just found it in my word files. Would like to share it with you; I think I am missing Lizzy. Where are you Lizzy?

Your Deep-Ocean Love

White spray drenched me
With your deep-ocean love
Blue, was I before that
Before we made love,
'Till you came and drenched me
With your blue- ocean love

And now I keep glowing,
As I bask in your love,
The care and attention
You shower me with,
Keeps me in good cheer
I go about with star in eyes
The moon shines on me
every nigh with silver light
My heart's enchanted, sparkling bright

Spring is there all year long,
With flowers in full bloom,
Sadness never touches me,
Gone is all the gloom,

White spray drenches me
with your blue- ocean love

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), Inidia
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: "Javer's Bay"- Australia by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 977 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 19:47

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moon smile
your ocean of love and pure emotios are so deep, keep its safe depths for all the boats that want to sail in it with there poems,could you please accept me to sail ?Hugs my sensitive friend.

Karen Canning
love these lines
White spray drenches me
with your blue- ocean love

your poetry never ceases to amaze this one just painted a mind picture

2007-03-24 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
ah this would definitely fit nicely as a spring poem... love and spring are such a good association... the words in here are so uplifting and happy, just like it is when we're in love :) very beautiful :) *hugs* xx

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
I remember those lines -
we were going to do a co-write :)

This is such a beautiful poem
your words carried me away
like the ocean's tide and I love the pic.


P.s: Do you still want to do a co-write?

every night with silver light? or did you mean nigh? a peaceful felling here, ah spring, it is waving right now. a good poem.