True Love

Three small words
Thats all you ask of me
Many things come to mind
Which three might they be?

The truth is
Three words aren't enough
My love for you
Writing is to tough

Before we met
My heart was cold
I'm willing to bet
My emotions wouldn't hold

You opened my eyes
You made the world a better place
Seperated by lies
Told to a parents face

People say
If you wake up with the thought
Of the same person each day
You were meant to be

We must be meant ot be
I always have the thought of you
Even though we can't see
You know my love will always be true

I never knew love
Until I met you
Our hands fit like gloves
To good to be true

When ever we're together
My heart melts
My mind freezes
My fear pelts

I love you
With all my heart
Whenever we're apart
I feel infinitely blue

Poetry by Tabitha Campbell
Read 1022 times
Written on 2006-06-14 at 19:08

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awwwww this is really really sweet
great work
i love these type of poems