
Circle is more than a geometric shape.


It's the path that comes around again and again;


           * What goes around comes around
           * You will reap what you sow
           * Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
           * What you put into the Universe will return to you 10 fold
           * You are the creator of your own life path
           * If you keep saying 'I will soon be out of debt',
              the Universe will send you more debt because
              that's the thought you keep in motion.


Until you learn to change the sound of the
thoughts that control your abilities.
Until it finally becomes your reality,
your life will be full of the same old circles.

Poetry by LacyxDevine
Read 210 times
Written on 2022-03-12 at 19:08

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Your work made me think of the unbreakable circle of life
which i would very much like to break.Loved your work!!!

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi lacy
Another fine poem filled with thought.
Tell me do you get circle's in a parallel universe.