Catch The Wind


Offered all the music

on all the majors,

I go out and catch the wind


Choking on self-pride,

I venture into my emptiness

and weep


My friends all gathered,

I go looking for a foe


My lifestyle becoming self-evident,

I break the rules


Strong and well-trained,

a tiny thought brings me down


Body traveling north or south,

mind goes south or north


Looking at everything,

I see myself,

looking at myself,

everything appears


My brain is a place in space,

space is where I think


Life is a transparent mirror,

time is a falling notion


Nowhere is endless,

right here travels fast


Every face grows a name,

the letters stumble at the mouth


My body murmurs

at the end of the line,

the wind catches my breath


In the storm of my mistakes,

I reef my sails

and drift stubbornly


All my girlfriends

rise out of the diaries

and wither like old mushrooms


My willingness to cooperate

warms itself by defiance


My obstinacy thrives

in the ordinary


It rubs uncomfortably

that so many celebrities

are caught by what they can get



is all that's left


I pat my belly

and count the years


Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 182 times
Written on 2022-04-29 at 00:15

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