'The Avenue' was really a place... now demolished and built upon... and in this old photograph my old bedroom window is looking out at me. 'The Bank' weas a hilly scrap of wild countryside where we kids would play.


Do you remember
'The Bank' we played on?
and 'The Old Brown Jug'
with those tingly
cider ice lollies?

Such a great time
to have been alive
wasn't it, Jennifer?

I went looking
for 'The Avenue' today -
it's all gone. No sign.
New houses. New people.
No sign of community.
No kids playing
on the ashphalt street -
like we played
on the cobbles
and the grassy scrap
of wilderness
'The Bank' provided.
I searched in vain
and I actually cried
that it is all lost.

I'll be home soon
look after yourself
and look after
our little world
won't you?
I need your sanctuary,
your treasured love,
and the reality
of our happy home.



© griffonner 2022

Poetry by Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 337 times
Written on 2022-04-30 at 09:48

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
I liked the conversational tone, the short lines adding an urgency; it is a reflective piece that works on many levels.
Bravo Allan!

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Your poem Allen speaks to me. Off the love and warmth of memories never ever lost. Just misplaced in the sea of time. Strangest thing I've done? Collecting TVs from the house l was born in. Regards Alan

Good to know that though the place is gone, there are good memories here, places to escape to, adventures to be found, imaginary kingdoms to lord over, good people to hold dear. The place you were formed, where you learned silent skills of choice, decision making, risk, negotiation, how to fight, and apologise, so many more.

KYREUS of Sweden The PoetBay support member heart!
Touchy & warm.