My mind has issues,
No I don't expect you.
To reach out for,
A big box of tissues.

A vail of thoughts,
Escaping forgetting.
What was once there,
People around find it's upsetting.

It's though I'm losing,
What was once there.
I won't admit to anyone,
I'm feeling a little scared.

Can't remember names,
Although I can picture them.
Within my mind my brain,
Feels as though it's drained.

Buildings streets no longer there,
I still hold them within my soul.
My mind's eye can still see them,
To me they've disappeared long ago.

As though I'm ageing faster,
within the fabric of my mind.
Someone has pushed a button,
Is it myself that says erase rewind.

Am I gradually losing what's left,
Or am I feeling a little bereft.
Putting on a brave face
Don't let them see you care

I hope they can save the wife sister,
Until it's my time to go.
I'm done with all this dying,
Within my heart I feel a tear.
No I won't admit to anyone,
I'm feeling a little bit scared.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 160 times
Written on 2022-11-11 at 02:27

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
This is profoundly moving. And though not sure it will not prepare us that are also approaching that state brings some comfort that we are able to express our fears and find that a hearing ear offers companionship.

Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautifully written and so poignantly.Forgetting is not losing and as you say your soul remembers and you remember your soul.