Poem by John Frederick Freeman (1880-1929)  


Submitted by a volunteer - Thanks





    Beauty walked over the hills and made them bright.
    She in the long fresh grass scattered her rains
    Sparkling and glittering like a host of stars,
    But not like stars cold, severe, terrible.
    Hers was the laughter of the wind that leaped
    Arm-full of shadows, flinging them far and wide.
    Hers the bright light within the quick green
    Of every new leaf on the oldest tree.
    It was her swimming made the river run
    Shining as the sun;
    Her voice, escaped from winter's chill and dark,
    Singing in the incessant lark....
    All this was hers--yet all this had not been
    Except 'twas seen.
    It was my eyes, Beauty, that made thee bright;
    My ears that heard, the blood leaping in my veins,
    The vehemence of transfiguring thought--
    Not lights and shadows, birds, grasses and rains--
    That made thy wonders wonderful.
    For it has been, Beauty, that I have seen thee,
    Tedious as a painted cloth at a bad play,
    Empty of meaning and so of all delight.
    Now thou hast blessed me with a great pure bliss,
    Shaking thy rainy light all over the earth,
    And I have paid thee with my thankfulness.



More information on John Frederick Freeman


Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 185 times
Written on 2023-03-27 at 00:29

Tags English  Georgianpoetry 

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