henri de toulouse lautrec

a dance not danced/a festival of two


would you like to dance

if you had agreed, oh, how sweet 

to have held you in my arms


to have felt your movement

to have seen how your hair 

lay against your neck


oh, it would have been fine 

to have had those few minutes 

to whisper, doubtful that the words


would be heard above the music

to have watched your lips form the words

to have seen the look of mild exasperation


as the words fell unheard

to have watched your smile as we danced

yes, it would have nice


it would have been very nice

had we danced






 a festival of two


it begins like this

a crowded room, music

dancing, laughter, celebration


as the night wears on

as the families with children

and friends on a schedule


find their way home

when the dance floor is left

to those few who refuse to let it go


who dance cheek to cheek

jackets hung on backs of chairs

shoes long ago kicked off


when it is down to that 

to the last dance

to the band packing up


when there is silence, then

then we begin to dance our dance





Poetry by one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 254 times
Written on 2023-06-11 at 14:52

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Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
I love it such a lovely poem and I imagining that dance. Thank you for sharing it with us Jim.

One can't help but wondering what you might have said