Nothing good ever gets away. I have come a long way from feeling protective about you in a paranoid way to just trying to breathe easy for i know, you will find a way.

Wee wish

Before i go on a long sojourn of what i wish to wish for you
here is a wee wish
for myself

may i continue to write and
wish for you,

and may these words
translate to notes,

and may you
hear these as coo.

And the words are-darling!
if my love could transcend and tip toe
ahead of you on your path
may it plant flowers
along your way
so that you get busy enjoying
your path
than worry about it.

And now
just tell me-
would you prefer
sunflowers or roses
carnations all the way.

Poetry by Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 58 times
Written on 2023-10-23 at 18:37

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Ahh that ending verse!

And yes, in my experience, your poems will reach your lover. Mine did.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
You made me sigh, Sona. So lovely/loving.