Weakened. Strengthened. Weakened. Strengthened.

Escaped much… Only to the uselessness
to thereby be lead to more unforgettable bittering
when my love was given away in order to feel;
well knowing that sorrows lead forth to suffering.

Forced to misbecome life greyish and leaky;
set is that the memories mostly became hard heart-screams
from torn peeled recollections
where the inherited times change of wind continually quelled me.

Weaken. Strengthen. Weaken. Strengthen. (As of yet…)


Taking here the sorrow-free, the viable, as resolved:

I am strengthened to capture my minds consciousness,
from inside ― with a dear thought-clarity ―
visibly relieved have the new mind undefiled been opened.

(Calm, Will, returns ― resetting gladness source in place.)

Refusing now to fortify first as the thaw refuses to break;
whenever a cold heart-sigh become a settled down friend.

To harden is to defend what is real in Life.

Read 197 times
Written on 2023-11-08 at 15:33

Tags Life  Reality  Will 

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Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Okay, you're killing it with the quotables today. Another strong work, my friend.

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