Poem by Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)



    (E. L G.)

    Beneath a knap where flown
    Nestlings play,
    Within walls of weathered stone,
    Far away
    From the files of formal houses,
    By the bough the firstling browses,
    Lives a Sweet: no merchants meet,
    No man barters, no man sells
    Where she dwells.

    Upon that fabric fair
    "Here is she!"
    Seems written everywhere
    Unto me.
    But to friends and nodding neighbours,
    Fellow-wights in lot and labours,
    Who descry the times as I,
    No such lucid legend tells
    Where she dwells.

    Should I lapse to what I was
    Ere we met;
    (Such can not be, but because
    Some forget
    Let me feign it) none would notice
    That where she I know by rote is
    Spread a strange and withering change,
    Like a drying of the wells
    Where she dwells.

    To feel I might have kissed -
    Loved as true -
    Otherwhere, nor Mine have missed
    My life through.
    Had I never wandered near her,
    Is a smart severe severer
    In the thought that she is nought,
    Even as I, beyond the dells
    Where she dwells.

    And Devotion droops her glance
    To recall
    What bond-servants of Chance
    We are all.
    I but found her in that, going
    On my errant path unknowing,
    I did not out-skirt the spot
    That no spot on earth excels,
     Where she dwells!




More information on Thomas Hardy

Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 91 times
Written on 2023-12-04 at 00:00

Tags English 

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Wild, lunatic perfection!