

It's New Year's Eve 2023 – 2024,

and I'm downstairs

keeping the fire in the wood stove burning

and the cold at bay in this winter land,

flipping through your old CD:s,

most of which I have copied for you,

at the beginning of our relationship;

Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Leonard Cohen,

and amongst them I find some archival CD:s

with photographs from long before we met

You are slightly ill with a cold,

withdrawn today upstairs,

to a room we call ”the studio”,

where we hide when we're not well

and need peace and quiet,

where you sit by a table today,

piecing a complicated jigsaw puzzle together,

your concentration and focus hovering

Going from picture to picture

I see you show jumping horses,

breeding trotters

and working in stables

...and I who believed your life began

when I showed up...

I see you in the maternity ward,

your son and later your daughter,

many years ago;

a sleek husband

whom you met studying sociology

...and I who thought your life began

when I appeared on the farm...

I see you climbing the mountains

of Lapland as a teenager,

with your Mom and uncle Bruno,

long before I did those things

and I see you and your husband

rebuilding a bus- and truck garage

into a stable

when you and he moved here,

to the farm,

at the beginning of time

and I realize

that I've just arrived,

a measly thirteen years ago,

to the lastest version of you,

until recently fooled by my own assumption

that your life began

when I had the decency to show up...

when in fact it was my life that started...

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 110 times
Written on 2023-12-31 at 17:08

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